The Magical Marshlands of Monmouthshire by Mary Evans

The Magical Marshlands of Monmouthshire by Mary Evans As our world has become smaller and our travel plans restricted our local area has taken on a new focus and significance. For many of us this has led to rediscovering locations we haven’t visited for a long while or even better, discovering a new place of interest on our doorstep. Here in Monmouthshire we have beautiful countryside supporting a wide range of wildlife and although not as long or scenic a coastline as our neighbouring Glamorgan Heritage Coast, we do have the fascinating area of the Gwent Levels. These stretch east of Cardiff to Chepstow alongside the splendid Severn Estuary and are an intriguing mixture of heritage, mystery and tradition. An ancient land of ditches, dinosaur footprints, religious places, salmon fisheries, skeletal boat remains, tiny islands and now sculptures. Over several sunny days in September with my husband as driver and navigator we explored new locations and revisited others in...